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SEMPERCARE® nitrile 100 ks/ bal. - latex a powder FREE

SEMPERCARE® nitrile 100 ks/ bal. - latex a powder FREE
0% (0 Ranking)
Manufacturer:Lohmann & Rauscher
List price:295 Kč
Price excluding VAT:243,80 Kč
Price including VAT:295 Kč
295 Kč
There are several variants of the product. (4)

Product variants (4)

Product nameproduct codePriceAvailability
velikost S 6 - 7 LR113465 2 950 Kč Neznámá
velikost M 7 - 8 LR113466 2 950 Kč Neznámá
velikost L 8 - 9 LR113467 2 950 Kč Neznámá
velikost XL 9 - 10 LR113468 2 950 Kč Neznámá
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SEMPERCARE® nitrile 100 ks/ bal. - latex a powder FREE
SEMPERCARE® nitrile 100 ks/ bal. - latex a powder FREE
SEMPERCARE® nitrile 100 ks/ bal. - latex a powder FREE
SEMPERCARE® nitrile 100 ks/ bal. - latex a powder FREE
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